Schrottankauf ALLE Metallsorten

Wir kaufen alle Arten von Schrott an zu Tageshöchstpreisen !

Jetzt Schrott zu Geld machen !

Ihr Partner für Schrottankauf

Wir kaufen alle Arten von Metallschrott an und bieten Containerdienst von 10m³ bis 50m³ an.

A large pile of intricately layered metal grids and sheets, likely indicating a scrap or recycling yard. The metal consists of various shades of gray, silver, and rusted brown, showing signs of weathering and age.
A large pile of intricately layered metal grids and sheets, likely indicating a scrap or recycling yard. The metal consists of various shades of gray, silver, and rusted brown, showing signs of weathering and age.
Schnell, zuverlässig und fair im Preis.

Christian Sturm


Unsere Dienstleistungen

Professioneller Schrottankauf und Containerdienst für alle Arten von Metallschrott.


Edelmetalle wie Gold, Silber, Platin und Palladium sind wertvolle Ressourcen, die häufig aus alten Elektronikbauteilen, Schmuck, Katalysatoren oder Elektrokomponenten gewonnen werden. Diese Materialien finden nicht nur in der Schmuckherstellung Anwendung, sondern auch in der Industrie aufgrund ihrer besonderen Eigenschaften. Auf der anderen Seite stehen Buntmetalle, die als Nichteisenmetalle klassifiziert werden. Kupfer, Messing, Bronze, Aluminium, Zink und Blei sind Beispiele, die aus verschiedenen Quellen wie Kabeln, Maschinen oder sogar Dachrinnen gewonnen werden. Diese Metalle sind essenziell für zahlreiche Anwendungen, von der Bauindustrie bis zur Elektronik. Schließlich gibt es eisenhaltige Metalle, insbesondere Stahl und Edelstahl, die für ihre Festigkeit und Langlebigkeit bekannt sind und in vielen alltäglichen Produkten wie Werkzeugen und Autoteilen Verwendung finden. Ihr Recycling trägt erheblich zum Umweltschutz und zur Ressourcenschonung bei.

A large pile of assorted scrap metal and debris, including old vehicles, machinery parts, twisted metal sheets, and various other discarded items. The heap is situated next to a corrugated metal roof structure.
A large pile of assorted scrap metal and debris, including old vehicles, machinery parts, twisted metal sheets, and various other discarded items. The heap is situated next to a corrugated metal roof structure.

Wir bieten Container von 10m³ bis 50m³ für Ihren Schrottabtransport an.

A large pile of metal scrap and debris is stacked outdoors. The metal pieces are of various shapes and sizes, with some showing signs of rust and wear. Sunlight is cast over the pile, highlighting the angular shapes and textures.
A large pile of metal scrap and debris is stacked outdoors. The metal pieces are of various shapes and sizes, with some showing signs of rust and wear. Sunlight is cast over the pile, highlighting the angular shapes and textures.

Schrott Galerie

Entdecken Sie unsere Vielfalt an Metallschrott und Containerdienst.

A large yellow mechanical claw is positioned in front of a massive pile of assorted metal scrap and debris. The ground is wet, suggesting recent rain, and the background shows a corrugated metal fence. Various pieces of metal, including bicycle parts and wires, are scattered and piled haphazardly.
A large yellow mechanical claw is positioned in front of a massive pile of assorted metal scrap and debris. The ground is wet, suggesting recent rain, and the background shows a corrugated metal fence. Various pieces of metal, including bicycle parts and wires, are scattered and piled haphazardly.
A pile of mixed scrap metal and machinery parts is stacked against a textured concrete wall. Various components, including pipes, rods, and mechanical elements, are visible, creating a chaotic arrangement. The scene is in an outdoor setting with dirt and debris scattered on the ground.
A pile of mixed scrap metal and machinery parts is stacked against a textured concrete wall. Various components, including pipes, rods, and mechanical elements, are visible, creating a chaotic arrangement. The scene is in an outdoor setting with dirt and debris scattered on the ground.
A large metal recycling container with the word 'RECYCLE' prominently displayed in white capital letters. The container shows signs of rust and wear, suggesting regular use. It is situated on a concrete surface, with trees visible in the background.
A large metal recycling container with the word 'RECYCLE' prominently displayed in white capital letters. The container shows signs of rust and wear, suggesting regular use. It is situated on a concrete surface, with trees visible in the background.
Inside a spacious industrial warehouse, a dumpster filled with discarded metal objects like chairs and other scrap is visible in the foreground. A large industrial loader is parked further inside near a pile of miscellaneous debris, including cardboard and plastic. The area is well-lit with overhead windows in the high ceiling and a poster of a landscape is mounted on the wall.
Inside a spacious industrial warehouse, a dumpster filled with discarded metal objects like chairs and other scrap is visible in the foreground. A large industrial loader is parked further inside near a pile of miscellaneous debris, including cardboard and plastic. The area is well-lit with overhead windows in the high ceiling and a poster of a landscape is mounted on the wall.
woman wearing yellow long-sleeved dress under white clouds and blue sky during daytime

Schneller Service und faire Preise. Ich bin sehr zufrieden mit dem Schrottankauf!

Radovan Popescu

A fenced area contains a pile of rusty and weathered metal scrap pieces, including large beams and angular structures. The background shows lush green trees and grass, with a clear blue sky above.
A fenced area contains a pile of rusty and weathered metal scrap pieces, including large beams and angular structures. The background shows lush green trees and grass, with a clear blue sky above.

Professioneller Umgang und schnelle Abwicklung. Sehr empfehlenswert für alle Schrottverkäufe!

Killian Beckmann

A large heap of assorted scrap metal and debris, including rusted pipes, wires, metal sheets, and various other discarded items, forming a significant pile. The background is a clear sky.
A large heap of assorted scrap metal and debris, including rusted pipes, wires, metal sheets, and various other discarded items, forming a significant pile. The background is a clear sky.